- Your JAVA_HEAP is set to 1.5GB in the application server. You attempt to open a report in draft mode and you receive the following error:
- Could not get page number. (Error: INF)
- You check the application server log file to find entries similar to the following:
- [11/2/04 18:37:09:442 PST] de24703 SystemErr R out of memory
- [11/2/04 18:37:09:442 PST] de24703 SystemErr R at
- Check the class "XMLviaCorba.class" and see the method "getBlob()" calculates available memory as the MAX_HEAP_SIZE value minus memory currently in use.
- Check the "" file to see that MAX_HEAP_SIZE is not defined.
- BusinessObjects Enteprise 6.x
- BusinessObjects Enteprise XI Release 1
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XIR2 (pre-Service Pack 2 only)
- Web Intelligence
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 6.5 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 6.5.3
WebI, WebIntelligence, Web Intelligence, out of memory, could not get page number, page number, error, INF, memory, exception, unable to open, cannot open, will not open, won't open, draft mode, large, big, huge,, heap, max, max_heap_size, java, tomcat , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , How To
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