SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1196708 - Chart inserted in a group does not retain formatting in Crystal Reports


  • Modification made on a Chart are not retained.
  • When refreshing a report, the graph formatting is lost.
  • Chart inserted in a group does not retain formatting change made.
  • Chart modification lost, when reopening a report in Crystal Reports.
  • Note: Images and data in this SAP Knowledge Base Article is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


  • SAP Crystal Reports 2013
  • SAP Crystal Reports 2016
  • SAP Crystal Reports 2020

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In Crystal Reports, create a report based on any data source.
  2. Insert a group on the report.
  3. Insert a chart in the group header or group footer of the report.
  4. Preview the report.
  5. Modify the chart, like change the color of the bar, pie,...
  6. Preview the report and notice the chart displays as expected.
  7. Save and close the report.
  8. Reopen the report in Crystal Reports, and refresh the report.
  9. Notice the modification made on the chart are lost.
    Chart Change.png


  • This situation occurs because modification made on a chart located in a Group Header or Group Footer section are only valid for the instance of the group.
  • Therefore when refreshing the report with new data, it will display the default chart formatting for the group instances that were not formatted.


  • To ensure the modification made on a chart located in a Group Header or Group Footer section is propagated to all group instances, select the option: "Apply Changes to All Charts". To do so:
    1. In Crystal Reports, open the report, and select the "Preview" tab.
    2. Make the desired changes to a chart located in a Group Header of Group Footer section.
    3. To retain the change for all chart, right-click the on the formatted chart and select in the contextual menu: "Apply Changes to All Charts"
      Chart Change - 03.png
    4. Save the report.


CR, chart, group, preview view, group chart, group formatting, chart instance , , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports 2013 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2016 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2020