Crystal Reports Update Service dialog window is not displaying
Asian characters correctly but displays the following:
"Software Manager ???????????????????"
"????? Internet ? FLEXnet ?????????".
The issue has been identified and tracked under
ID ADAPT00844864. The Language version of Non-Unicode
Programs locale is not matching the setting
being used in the Crystal Reports designer.
To resolve this do the following:
Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Advanced tab.
Under Select a Language to match the Language version of the non-Unicode programs you want to use select the same language that the Crystal Reports designer is using.
Click the Ok button.
CR2008 CR 2008 XIR3 XI R3 XI3.0 XI3 3 3.0 TITAN RN , 3353147 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed
Crystal Reports 2008 V0