1. For large negative number Desktop Intelligence is showing incorrect custom format in
Estonian language.
Steps to reproduce the symptoms:
Here are the steps to reproduce the symptoms:
1. First change the Regional Language Settings to Estonian.
Following are the steps how to change the settings:
1.) Go to Control Panel.
2.) Regional and Language options.
3.) In Regional Options tab under standard and format change the language setting to
4.) On the same tab change the Location setting to Estonia.
5.) Click on Apply
6.) Then on Ok.
2. Now Change the Language settings in Desktop Intelligence to Estonian.
Following are the steps to change the settings to Estonian.
1. Open Desktop Intelligence.
2. Go to Tools option on menu bar.
3. Click on options.
4. On General tab under language check Migration forced.
5. Click on the button right to the English language option.
6. Under unsupported languages select Estonian language.
7. Click on Apply button.
8. Then click Ok.
3. Change the Keyboard settings also to Estonian. This is done in following manner.
- On bottom right corner in the VM Ware Image Change the EN option to ET
4. Open the report after doing the above mentioned changes in settings.
5. Also, make custom format # ##0, 00 and -# ##0, 00[Red] manually by following
the below mentioned steps.
- Right click on the cell.
- Click on Format Cell.
- Click on Number tab
- Under Category click on number.
- In properties make the above mentioned format for positive and negative numbers.
- Then click on Add Button
- Click on Apply button.
- Then on OK button.
Cause: The grouping separator for Estonian language is a "Non breakable space"
(U+00A0) and not "space" (U+0020).
negative number as " 234 456 478 899, 00 but it is displaying " 234456478 899, 00
3. Desk Intelligence is giving correct custom format for large positive numbers.
estonia lnaguage, negative number incorrect format , 426389 , KBA , BI-RA-DKI , Obsolete - Desktop Intelligence , Bug Filed
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