BusinessObjects BI Web Services (DSWSBOBJE) uses the Apache Axis2 Framework.
Axis2 comes with an Administrative tool that allows remote configuration, engaging and disengaging of services that it manages.
It is accessible via the URL ://<hostname>:<port>/dswsbobje/axis2-admin/.
where <hostname> should be replace by the host, and <port> by the port number, of the machine where the Web Services Java Web Application has been deployed.
To enhance security, it is recommended to either disable the Administrative tool or change the Axis2 Administrator credentials.
- How do you disable/modify the Axis2 Administrator account?
- Can you remove any hardcoded username and password in axis2.xml?
SAP BI 4.2/4.3
Apache Tomcat Web App server
BI 4, 4.x, 3.x, dswsbobje, axis2.xml, password Web Services, Axis2 , 5338496 , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , How To
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