Crystal Reports (and possibly other Clients) hang when executing an
SQL or SPL statement against an Informix DB installed
on VMware.
Crystal reports uses the following SQL sytax
'select * from database@Informixserver.user:table;'
When Informix 10 is installed on VMWare this sytax will cause
Informix Dbaccess (and possibly any other SQL Interfaces or
clients) to hang.
Running 'onstat -g sql <sessid>' on the Informix Server
will show the SQL being received
The correct syntax for Informix on VMWare is:
select * from database:user.table;
The following workaround can be applied in the menu of Crystal
Report reporter when creating or editting the report:
In the Menu>>Database>>Set Database
Location...>Current Datasource>expand the table>>expand
properties>>edit "Overridden Qualified Table Name" and enter
the DB table name. The sysntax will change to:
"select * from table"
Permanent resolution would be not not install Informix on
informix hang Crystal report select , 4806275 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed
SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2