SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1200741 - Crystal Reports hangs when executing an SQL or SPL statement against an Informix DB installed on VMware


Crystal Reports (and possibly other Clients) hang when executing an SQL or SPL statement against an Informix DB installed on VMware. 


Crystal reports uses the following SQL sytax
'select * from database@Informixserver.user:table;'
When Informix 10 is installed on VMWare this sytax will cause Informix Dbaccess (and possibly any other SQL Interfaces or clients) to hang.
Running 'onstat -g sql <sessid>' on the Informix Server will show the SQL being received


The correct syntax for Informix on VMWare is:
select * from database:user.table;

The following workaround can be applied in the menu of Crystal Report reporter when creating or editting the report:
In the Menu>>Database>>Set Database Location...>Current Datasource>expand the table>>expand properties>>edit "Overridden Qualified Table Name" and enter the DB table name. The sysntax will change to:
"select * from table" 

Permanent resolution would be not not install Informix on VMWare


informix hang Crystal report select , 4806275 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed


SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2