When viewing Crystal Reports with the Teradata ODBC driver
version 12 on a Solaris platform, the pageserver cannot connect to
the version 12 server successfully. You will be asked to fill in
the username and password permanently.
This problem only occurs on Solaris platform with version 12
ODBC driver.
In Business Objects XI Release 2, we are using SQLDriverConnect to connect to Teradata Server, but Teradata version 12 ODBC driver failed with this on a Solaris platform.
You may find Adhoc(TD sample application) can connect successfully, that is because Adhoc is using SQLConnect.
You can use Teradata ODBC V2R3.06 driver to connect to the version 12 server, or you can try using version version 12 JDBC drivers. Both work on Solaris.
cr , 5385311 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem
SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2