In BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2, a user logs on to Desktop Intelligence, starts the Report Creation Wizard and chooses a universe. However, when the user clicks Next, the application stops. It cannot be closed or navigated in any way within the application. It can only be closed by using the Task Manager.
This occurs with one specific user ID on several computers. Other user IDs do not experience this issue.
The user ID was previously working correctly. Creating a new user has no effect. Giving the account administrator rights does not change the issue.
The user is able to open existing reports and refresh them, but is not able to open the list of data providers. Attempting to do so causes Desktop Intelligence to stop. The issue occurs with different universes.
DeskI freeze, universe, data provider , 4541638 , KBA , BI-RA-DKI , Obsolete - Desktop Intelligence , Bug Filed
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