SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1201938 - Error: "Invalid pointer (source: Analysis Server)" or ""Exception of type system"" when exporting a large Crystal report to a Word or RTF document


In Crystal Reports XI, when exporting a document greater than 900 megabytes to Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (RTF), one of the following  two error messages appears:
"Invalid pointer (source: Analysis Server)"


"Exception of type system.outofmemoryexception was thrown".


These error messages occur if there are images in the report. The issue does not occur for PDF and Crystal Reports as these two formats use compressed image data. This makes file size much smaller.

Microsoft Word and RTF conversion uses raw image formats. The image size becomes much larger. That is why a large report with images exports correctly to PDF and Crystal Report formats, but not to Word and RTF.


This limitation is by design. It is recommended to not export large report files to Microsoft Word or RTF.


Export Word RTF Rich Text Format invalid pointer out of memory exception outofmemoryexception , 5641927 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed


SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2