Setting the page margins to zero using the
PrintOutputController.modifyPrintOptions method of the RAS SDK, the
page margins do not stay set to that value but reset to 240.
The issue has been identified and tracked under
ID ADAPT00867435. When
PrintOutputController.modifyPrintOptions gets
called, you should not want to change page margins if the past-in
margins are default values (0/0/0/0) using this method because you
could overwrite page margins when modifying
To change all page margins to 0, call another API
PrintOutputController.modifyPageMargins that prevents
overwriting page margins when modifying PrintOptions by creating a
new PrintOptions object.
CR2008 CR 2008 XIR3 XI R3 XI3.0 XI3 3 3.0 TITAN RN , 590601 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed
Crystal Reports 2008 V0