- A Crystal Report is designed using Command Object with parameter.
- When attempting to change the datasource at runtime using ITable object of Crystal Reports for Java you are getting the following exception:
"Null Pointer Exception"
Occurs in Crystal Reports for Eclipse 1.0 and 2.0.
ITable sets the parameter for the command object after changing the table location.
Thus it contacting the destination datasource without any parameter and generates a "Null Pointer" exception.
- Use the IProcedure Object, which is included in the CRJ SDK.
- It is used for both stored procedures and command objects, and has a method to get and set the parameter values before changing the datasource.
- IProcedure object is documented in the RAS API documentation, which is available for the CRJ as well.
- Below is a snippet that indicates how to use the iProcedure object on a command table in your report:
ITable table = tables.getTable(i);
if(table instanceof
IProcedure command = (IProcedure)table;
ParameterField commandParam = (ParameterField) command.getParameters().get(0);
Values values = new Values();
ParameterFieldDiscreteValue pfdv = new ParameterFieldDiscreteValue();
Null Pointer Exception after using Command Object with Parameter for dynamic database connection in the JRC thick client application , 6712056 , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , How To
Crystal Reports, version for Eclipse 1.0 ; Crystal Reports, version for Eclipse 2.0