You are using the Designer SDK Connection / Connections class.
In the case of Universe Connections that use the OLE DB inteface, the DatabaseSource and Server properties are intermixed.
- Connection.Server property
- Connection.DatabaseSource property
- Connections.Add(DatabaseSource, Server) method
The following steps illustrates this behaviour:
- Create a new database on MS SQL Server 2000 (e.g. use the Northwind sample database from Microsoft)
- On the system where BOE is installed, create a new System DSN in ODBC Manager that is based on the DB created in step 1.
- Create a new Connection in Universe Designer application based on ODBC created in step 2. Select "OLE DB Providers" when specifying the Database Middleware. Call the connection "nthwind".
- Once you have created the new connection, run the following code in a VB6 application on the system where BOE is installed (run it in Deski and click on Alt+F11 to go to the VBA part):
Private Sub testAdd() Dim desapp As Designer.Application Set desapp = New Designer.Application desapp.Visible = False Call desapp.LogonDialog MsgBox("Source is " & (desapp.Connections("nthwind").DatabaseSource)) MsgBox("Server is " & (desapp.Connections("nthwind").Server)) MsgBox("Engine is " & (desapp.Connections("nthwind").DatabaseEngine)) MsgBox("Name is " & (desapp.Connections("nthwind").Name)) desapp.Quit Set desapp = Nothing End Sub
- Make sure to add the reference "BusinessObjects Designer 11.5 Object Library" in Tools > References. Then run the macro.
- Note that the values are incorrectly returned: DatabaseSource = <hostname> and Server = <database name>. It should be the opposite.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
Designer SDK Connections Add Databasesource server odbc ole db , 6971175 , KBA , BI-RA , Reporting, analysis, and dashboards , Bug Filed
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