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1203520 - Designer SDK Connections class: properties for DatabaseSource and Server are intermixed


You are using the Designer SDK Connection / Connections class.
In the case of Universe Connections that use the OLE DB inteface, the DatabaseSource and Server properties are intermixed.
  • Connection.Server property
  • Connection.DatabaseSource property
  • Connections.Add(DatabaseSource, Server) method
The following steps illustrates this behaviour:
  1. Create a new database on MS SQL Server 2000 (e.g. use the Northwind sample database from Microsoft)
  2. On the system where BOE is installed, create a new System DSN in ODBC Manager that is based on the DB created in step 1.
  3. Create a new Connection in Universe Designer application based on ODBC created in step 2. Select "OLE DB Providers" when specifying the Database Middleware. Call the connection "nthwind".
  4. Once you have created the new connection, run the following code in a VB6 application on the system where BOE is installed (run it in Deski and click on Alt+F11 to go to the VBA part):
     Private Sub testAdd()        Dim desapp As Designer.Application        Set desapp = New Designer.Application        desapp.Visible = False        Call desapp.LogonDialog        MsgBox("Source is " & (desapp.Connections("nthwind").DatabaseSource))        MsgBox("Server is " & (desapp.Connections("nthwind").Server))        MsgBox("Engine is " & (desapp.Connections("nthwind").DatabaseEngine))        MsgBox("Name is " & (desapp.Connections("nthwind").Name))        desapp.Quit        Set desapp = Nothing        End Sub 
  5. Make sure to add the reference "BusinessObjects Designer 11.5 Object Library" in Tools > References. Then run the macro.
  6. Note that the values are incorrectly returned: DatabaseSource = <hostname> and Server = <database name>. It should be the opposite.



SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI


Designer SDK Connections Add Databasesource server odbc ole db , 6971175 , KBA , BI-RA , Reporting, analysis, and dashboards , Bug Filed

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