An object in the universe called "As of Date". Upon this object builted a custom LOV defined by selecting the Properties tab of the object and then selecting the Edit... button.
The custom LOV is defined as three objects (As of Date, Day Type and Load Indicator) and two conditions to limit the list to only "current dates".
The user normally sees when using this prompt in a Webi report is :
As Of Date __________ Day Type __________ Load Indicator
2/19/2008 12:00AM ___ D _________________ GL
2/18/2008 12:00AM ___ W _________________BOTH
2/14/2008 12:00AM ___ D _________________BOTH
However, every few weeks something happens and the custom LOV is wiped out and replaced with the entire list of as of dates. The user sees something like this in Webi:
As Of Date
1/1/1850 12:00AM
1/2/1850 12:00AM
1/3/1850 12:00AM
At this point we can restore the custom LOV by re-exporting the universe to the repository. However, it is a problem to have the custom LOV prompt break and result in displaying every possible date value in the time table.
Custom LOV disappearing in Web Intelligence , 7016298 , KBA , BI-RA , Reporting, analysis, and dashboards , How To
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