In the Business Objects Data Access guide in Chapter 7
Configuring SQL generation parameters section, the
following issues have been raised:
There is no definition for the subsection Group.
The subsection ID gives a wrong definition.
The subsection InMacro gives a wrong definition.
The description for Arguments is incomplete. According to ADAPT00572686, a function can have a maximum of 4 arguments which is not menioned.
The issue has been identified and tracked under ID
Here are the document corrections:
There is no description for Group. A Group refers to whether the usage of this function in a query generates a group by clause.
True sets that the query generates a group by clause.
False sets that the query does not generate a group by clause. -
The description for ID is incorrect. The Data Access Guide states that the ID is the name that appears in the Designer function list. This is not correct. In Designer in the function list, the actual formula of the function appears rather than the ID value. In Reporter, however, the ID appears in the function list.
The description for InMacro is incorrect. The Data Access Guide states that when the value for InMacro is True, in Designer, the function appears listed in the object"s Edit Select box. This is not correct. It does not make any difference in Designer whether the value for InMacro is True or False. In Reporter, however, if the value is True, then it is listed in the User Objects function list and if it is False then it is not listed.
The description for Arguments is incomplete. A function can have a maximum of only four arguments, and any additional arguments are not taken into account. This is a design restriction.
CR2008 CR 2008 XIR3 XI R3 XI3.0 XI3 3 3.0 TITAN RN , 7822367 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed
Crystal Reports 2008 V0