When attempting to perform a silent install of Business Objects XI Release 2 on UNIX using the -EXPANDSERVERS flag with any of the following options:
- CentralManagementServer
- InputFileRepositoryServer
- OutputFileRepositoryServer
- BusinessObjectsDestinationJobServer
- BusinessObjectsCrystalReportsJobServer
- BusinessObjectsDCPJobServer
- BusinessObjectsProgramJobServer
- ReportApplicationServer
- WebIntelligenceReportServer
- BusinessObjectsWebIntelligenceJobServer
the following error message appears:
"X is not a valid option for -EXPANDSERVERS. (ERROR: STU 00103)"
(where X is one of the servers mentioned above.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
xi , 7905394 , KBA , BI-BIP , Business intelligence platform , Bug Filed
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