When looking at your database fields in the Field Explorer it usually displays all the database fields under each table. For example:
Customer Info
- Customer - Last Name
- Customer - First Name
- Region
- City
- Country
But in Crystal Reports XI Release 2 and Crystal Reports 2008, it displays the database fields like this:
Customer Info
- Customer
- Last Name
- First Name
- Region
- City
- Country
Why are the database fields Customer - Last Name
and Customer - First Name displayed under
the Customer object?
This is a new functionality introduced in Crystal Reports XI Release 2 called Field Hierarchy.
If your database field name contains a hyphen ( - ), then it will use the name before the hyphen as a folder, and the name after the hyphen as the database field name, in the Field Explorer.
For example, if you have the following database field name:
Customer - Last Name
Then Customer will become a folder, under which it will display the database field name: Last Name.
When viewing the content of a table in the Field Explorer, you will see the following:
Table Name
- Customer
- Last Name
The advantage of this new feature is to regroup the information
that is closely related, as well as to make it easier to browse the
list of database fields when a table contains a lot of
Crystal Reports, Field Hierarchy, Field Explorer, Hyphen , 8052758 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem