For ObjectPrincipals with Advanced Security Role for an Enterprise Entity, individual rights are specified via Rights ID integer values. For convenience, these values are enumerated in the SDK.
For example, system rights are enumerated in .NET SDK via the
CeSystemRights enumeration and in the Java SDK via
CeSecurityID.Right, and Crystal Report rights are enumerated via
CeReportRights and CeReportRightID.
Each 32 value for a right can be broken down as follows, from least
significant to most:
bits 0 - 15 specific rights for the desktop plugin
bits 16 - 28 specifies the SI_OBTYPE plugin
bit 29 specifies whether the right is for owned objects
bits 30 - 31 are unused in specifying rights (used internally)
The issue is that the System and Crystal Reports rights enumerations contain the full 0 - 28 bits that represent the Rights ID while other enumerations only contain the 0 - 15 bits.
So for these rights, you have to look up the
SI_OBTYPE for the plugin, and add it to the
enumerated value.
how to create Rights ID , 8718105 , KBA , BI-BIP , Business intelligence platform , How To
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