In Designer XI Release 2, you make modifications and want to delete an object that is being used by the universe. You click Yes to confirm you want to delete the object. Now when you attempt to use the Parse Expression function or check integrity, Designer stops responding and the following error message appears:
"1 processor P Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 8
Windows 2000 Server (Terminal Server) v5.2 build 3790 (S)
Physical Total/Avail: 1.789.388 Kb / 890.720 Kb
Temp directory C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ (3 Kb available)
'Unknown' video card
1023 x 740 in true color
Unhandled Exception
Code: c0000005
Call stack:
Module at 0x55290000: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\win32_x86\kquery.dll v [E]
address: 0x5530cce1
address: 0x55321149
address: 0x55322435
address: 0x552e41e0
Module at 0x00400000: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\win32_x86\designer.exe v [E]
address: 0x0049a165
Module at 0x544f0000: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\win32_x86\uitools.dll v [E]
- Open Designer (This had been reproduced on XIR2 SP3.2).
- Open Island Resort marketing universe.
- Click Resort Class on the left panel.
- Add an object and name it "Concatenation".
On the select clause use this one @select(Resort\Service Line)+@select(Resort\Service)
(The idea is try to use other dimensions to create this one)
Click Parse button. Parsing works as expected. - Select Service dimension on Resort class: the same one that you use on the expression for concatenation and delete that dimension.
- Designer displays a message about the operation informing you that you are using that dimension in other objects. Click Yes.
- Double-click the Concatenation dimension that you created before. Note that Concatenation object now looks like this: "@Select(Resort\Service Line)+@Select(!Unknown\!Unknown)".
- Click the Parse button again.
- Designer stops responding.
Designer, parse, check integrity , 8653808 , KBA , BI-BIP , Business intelligence platform , Bug Filed
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