on cube works on developer machines but not other user
If user logs onto developer machine with their own accounts no problems are encountered
There are 3 problems that actually occur at random :
1. Results in cell are not displayed
2. Report is launched and then application crashes
3. Results in cell actually say 'wait' and the report crashes
The issue points towards the active X side of things. On the pc's that currently don"t work if you change them to HTML the users are able to view the cube.
If user logs onto developer machine with their own accounts no problems are encountered
There are 3 problems that actually occur at random :
1. Results in cell are not displayed
2. Report is launched and then application crashes
3. Results in cell actually say 'wait' and the report crashes
The issue points towards the active X side of things. On the pc's that currently don"t work if you change them to HTML the users are able to view the cube.
Crystal Analysis 10 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
Crystal Analysis OLAP crash view wait , 8971345 , KBA , BI-RA , Reporting, analysis, and dashboards , How To
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