On Demand Viewing vs Refresh - Information on how FCPROC.exe files are handled in BusinessObjects XI Release 2.
Minutes Before an Idle Connection is Closed = 2
Minutes Before an Idle Report Job is Closed = 5
If you log on to InfoView on an environment with the above settings and open a Desktop Intelligence report, it will generate one fcproc.exe on the servers. If you refresh the report in the same session, it will create another FCProc.exe. If you leave the session idle for 5 minutes, one FCProc.exe will be cleared on the server but the second is cleared only after 10 minutes.
Is it by design to create two FCProc.exe files, one for opening the reports and one for refreshing the report?
Why does one FCProc.exe file remain for 10
minutes even though the Minutes Before an Idle Report Job
is Closed option is set to 5?
FCPROC , 9091506 , KBA , BI-BIP , Business intelligence platform , Problem
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