When using the Previous function in a cross tab, one of the following error messages appear:
Steps to duplicate:
1. Create a new Web Intelligence document using the sample e-fashion universe
2. In the query result objects place the State, City, Week, and Sales Revenue fields then run the query.
3. Create a cross tab with the Week dimension running across the top of the cross tab, State and City down the side and Sales Revenue in the body.
4. Place a break on State.
5. Place a sum on Sales Revenue.
6. Insert a row below the sum row in the break.
7. Create a new variable with the following formula:
=Previous([Sales revenue])
8. Place this variable in the empty row you have just created
and place it directly beneath the sum values.
Incorrect behaviour of previous function , 9135003 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed
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