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1206919 - MHF1 Performance Management Visualization Update - error when deploying new analytics


When trying to deploy the new analytics for Monthly Hot Fix (MHF) 1, the following error message appears:

"* Template Pie Chart failed upload in Root Folder/Performance Management/Custom
* Template Bubble Chart failed upload in Root Folder/Performance Management/Cust
om Analytics/
* Template Radar Chart failed upload in Root Folder/Performance Management/Custo
m Analytics/
Root Folder/Performance Management/Custom Analytics/Pie Chart: An error occurred
at the server :
Object number 3744 cannot be created under the given folder (number 4294967295)
because it must be under folder number 23 either directly or indirectly.
Root Folder/Performance Management/Custom Analytics/Bubble Chart: An error occur
red at the server :
Object number 3745 cannot be created under the given folder (number 4294967295)
because it must be under folder number 23 either directly or indirectly.
Root Folder/Performance Management/Custom Analytics/Radar Chart: An error occurr
ed at the server :
Object number 3746 cannot be created under the given folder (number 4294967295)
because it must be under folder number 23 either directly or indirectly.
There were errors during the upload process. The upload may be incomplete."



SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI


MHF1 Performance Management Visualization Update , 9519709 , KBA , BI-BIP-PM , Obsolete - Performance Manager, metrics , How To

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