- When performing certain actions (export/import from repository, save to local computer or save to network drive) on a report which is larger than 1.1 MB, the following error occurs: "c0000005 Unhandled Exception".
- This can also occur if the universe or list of values is larger than 1.1 MB.
- The Unhandled Exception log will reference the boDeploy.dll or a buffer overrun will occur.
- Sometimes the application closes down without producing any error message.
- This occurs for users who do not have local administrator rights (or domain administrator rights in the case of saving to a network share).
- Desktop Intelligence XI Release 2 SP1
- Desktop Intelligence XI Release 2 SP1 MHF1
- Desktop Intelligence XI Release 2 SP2
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
unhandled exception, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, boDeploy.dll, import, save, export, root, rights, administrator , 9731469, Deski , KBA , BI-RA-DKI , Obsolete - Desktop Intelligence , Bug Filed
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