- When previewing a Crystal report that contains a numeric database field, any digits to the right of the 15th position are rounded.
- For example, a report is created using a numeric database field with a value of 1234567890123456. The report displays 1234567890123460 (the 56 at the end is rounded to 60). A value of 123456789012345 will correctly appear as 123456789012345.
- SAP Crystal Reports 2011
- SAP Crystal Reports 2013
- SAP Crystal Reports 2016
There is a limit to the number of digits before the decimal (the characteristic) and after the decimal (the mantissa). The limit is 16 significant digits in length for the characteristic.
Use database-level syntax to convert the numeric database field to a string so that Crystal Reports will interpret it as a string type, and display all of the characters.
For example, in Oracle, cast the number using to_char() and in Microsoft SQL Server use CAST() or STR() prior to adding the field to the report.
rounding CR sixteen fifteen 15 16 truncated truncate truncation cut off maximum max , 9744325 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem