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1207193 - how to check server properties in XIR3


IN BOXIR2 CCM If you highlight servers and click on the copy icon you are actually putting in buffer the selected servers" properties.
Open notepad and paste, you will see the server properties.
As follow:
 Display Name: BOBJCentralMS
 Server Display Name: Central Management Server
 Command Line: "\\ServerName\C$\ProgramFiles\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\win32_x86\CMS.exe" -service - Name ServerName.cms  -restart -noauditor -ndbqthreads 4 -maxobjectsincache 100000
 Status: Running
 Description: Provides scheduling, security, and system management services.
 Dependency: EventLog, Tcpip, RpcSs, NtLmSsp
 CMS Data Source: dwp
 CMS belongs to cluster: CLUSTERNAME
In XIR3 this is different now



SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI


Copy CCM XIR3 , 9633560 , KBA , BI-BIP , Business intelligence platform , How To

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