SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1210698 - Exporting to CSV causes the Subreport to log onto the database and What is the purpose of the registry key 'ViewOutofPlaceSubreports' and "GenerateDataForAllSubreportInstances"?


What is the purpose of the registry key

  • HKey_Current_User\Software\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions - ViewOutofPlaceSubreports
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Crystal Reports Designer Component\DatabaseOptions – ViewOutOfPlaceSubreports
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports\SavedData – GenerateDataForAllSubreportInstances = Yes


Crystal Reports Designer

Crystal Reports for Visual Studio


The setting of this registry key determines the processing time of a subreport.

If this value is set to "Yes," the Report Designer, SDK Report Viewer and Info Viewer will not process the subreport until it is double-clicked.

If this value is set to "No," the subreport cannot be double-clicked and will be processed at the same time as the main report.

For Page base exporting like PDF this is not an issue because the subreport does not require to be evaluated.

For row set exporting like CSV the subreport does require to be evaluated because it was conditionally supressed.

To view and export these reports in the Visual Studio IDE add the following registry key:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions - ViewOutOfPlaceSubreports

To use this key in your .NET application this key is required:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions - ViewOutOfPlaceSubreports

There is another regsitry key that allows you to force Crystal Reports to save all data in a subreport, Default value is No, change it to Yes.

For 2011/2013:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports\SavedData – GenerateDataForAllSubreportInstances = No 

For CR for VS then use/create these keys:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Crystal Reports\SavedData
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Crystal Reports\SavedData
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports\SavedData


ViewOutofPlaceSubreports, Registry Key, Hkey_Current_User Seagate Info 'ViewOutofPlaceSubreports' Registry Key Crystal Reports Report Designer , c2004672 , KBA , BI-BIP , Business intelligence platform , Problem


Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2011 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2013 ; SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio