A running total field displays a blank space displays instead of a zero(0) value.
How can the running total field display a zero (0) value instead of a blank space?
- SAP Crystal Reports 2008 V1
- SAP Crystal Reports 2011
- SAP Crystal Reports 2013
For running total fields and other report fields that output numbers, display a zero(0) value instead of a blank space by selecting Convert Other NULL Values to Default in the Report Options.
- Launch Crystal Reports.
- Click File > Report Options.
- Check Convert Other NULL Values to Default.
- Click OK.
Upon selecting the Convert Other NULL Values to Default option, running total fields and other report fields that output numbers will display a zero(0) value.
The Convert Other NULL Values to Default option converts all fields other than database fields to the applicable default value for its data type. The default values for each data type are:
- String field: ""
- Number field: "0"
- Currency field: "0.00"
- Date field: < or = Date(0,0,0)
- Date-Time field: < or = Date(0,0,0,0,0,0)
Background Information:
The Convert Other NULL Values to Default option is new to Crystal Reports 9.
The Convert Other NULL Values to Default option is intended to affect the output of report fields other than database fields.
The following report fields are affected by the Convert Other NULL Values to Default option:
- Running Total
- SQL Expression
- Summary
- Special
- Parameter (A linked parameter in a subreport can potentially return a null value from the main report.)
- Formula (When a null database field value is evaluated, the formula will stop processing and output a null value.)
To convert null database fields to the default value, select Convert Database NULL Values to Default in Report Options.
RUNNING TOTAL EMPTY STRING NOTHING NO VALUE DEFAULT VALUE RETURNS NIL Crystal Reports Convert Other NULL Values to Default Null values Convert Database NULL Values to Default , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To