SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1215277 - How to disable Tool Tips when viewing a report at runtime in the CR Viewer


When previewing a report in the Crystal Reports Viewer control, tool tips appear when the mouse hovers over an object (such as a field or text box).

How can you disable the tool tip for an object?


There are two ways of disabling the tool tips for a report file:

  • Modifying the report file
  • Using a Report Designer Component application

Modifying the report file


To modify the report file:

  1. Open the report in the Crystal Reports Designer. 
  2. Right-click an object and then click 'Format'.
  3. On the 'Common' tab and click the 'X+2' button beside 'Tool Tip Text'. The formula editor appears. 
  4. Type "chr(9)" and save the formula and report.

Using a Report Designer Component application


To use a Report Designer Component application:

1. If you are using the Report Designer Component (RDC) version 8.5, download the latest version of craxdrt.dll from our Downloads page.

2. Use the following sample code to disable the tool tips for all objects:

crFieldObject = 1
crTextObject = 2
crToolTipTextConditionFormulaType = 65
For I = 1 To Report.Sections.Count
' Loop through all the sections in the report
For X = 1 To Report.Sections(I).ReportObjects.Count
' Loop through all the ReportObjects in each section
If Report.Sections(I).ReportObjects.Item(X).Kind = crFieldObject Or crTextObject Then
Report.Sections(I).ReportObjects.Item(X).ConditionFormula(crToolTipTextConditionFormulaType) = "Chr(9)"
End If
Next X
Next I

When you now view the report, the tool tips no longer appear.


TOOLTIP TOOLTIPS DISABLE TOOL TIP TEXT RDC Report Designer Component Tool Tip Text Disabling Tool Tips , c2012262 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports 8.0