How do I create a chart based on a print-time or WhilePrintingRecords() formula in Crystal Reports 9 and later?
In Crystal Reports 9 and later, a chart cannot be created from a print-time or WhilePrintingRecords() formula. However, there is a procedure that passes the print-time formulas from the main report to a subreport. It then creates the chart in the subreport.
The procedure consists of
- formatting the report
- creating running total formulas for the On change of and Show value(s) values
- creating and linking a subreport
- inserting a chart in the subreport.
This procedure is fully explained in the technical paper - Charting on Print Time Formulas.
GRAPH CHART PRINTTIME PRINT TIME WHILEPRINTINGRECORDS WHILE PRINTING RECORDS Crystal Reports Charts/Graphs Print-time formulas WhilePrintingRecords , c2012542 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To