A database field contains file paths that point to
pictures you would like to use in your report file
(RPT). The pictures are stored outside of the
database that Crystal Reports (CR) is reporting
Can you add picture files by inserting a database
field that stores a file path to the picture rather
than the actual picture file?
New Feature in Crystal Reports XI
Dynamic Image Location:
In Crystal Reports XI, pictures and graphics can now be placed in a report through a link in the database so that it is no longer necessary to store images within the database. This supports the common practice of storing images on the web server and storing references to those images in the database. For more information on Dynamic Image Location in CR XI refer to the Crystal Reports Online Help by pressing the 'F1' key.
Crystal Reports 10 and Lower:
In the Crystal Reports designer, version 10 and lower, you cannot insert
images into a report by adding a database field
that has the file path to a picture stored in it.
To be available in Crystal Reports, the pictures
must be physically stored within the database field.
It is possible to do this through an application
written with a development language such as Visual
Basic. This requires the Developer or
Advanced edition of Crystal Reports.
Sample applications that detail how to load a
picture at runtime can be found at the following
CR 8 and CR 8.5
For more information, search our support site at for the
RDC Sample app in VB - Load Picture at runtime(cr8_vb_rdc_loadpic.exe)
CR 9
For more information, search our support site at for the
RDC Sample app in VB - Load Picture at runtime(cr9_vb_rdc_loadpic.exe)
The procedure for inserting pictures into a database
depends on the type of database you are working
For more information, search our support site at for the
Insert Images Into a Database for Use with Crystal Reports
and the following link as What’s New in Crystal Reports XI
INSERT IMAGE OLE OBJECT PICTURE DATABASE FILE PATH Crystal Reports Image files File path in database , c2014707 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem