- Do we have a list of HTML tags supported?
- What are the supported HTML tags and attributes when formatting an object to use HTML Text Interpretation in Crystal Reports?
- SAP Crystal Reports 2008
- SAP Crystal Reports 2011
- SAP Crystal Reports 2013
- SAP Crystal Reports 2016
- SAP Crystal Reports 2020
- SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1
- SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.2
- SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.3
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.3
- HTML Text Interpretation formatting option supports basic HTML tags for text formatting only.
- Below is the list of supported HTML tags:
div (causes a paragraph break)
tr (causes only a paragraph break; does not preserve column structure of a table)
p (causes a paragraph break)
br (causes a paragraph break)
h1 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & twice default size)
h2 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 1.5 times default size)
h3 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 9/8 default size)
h4 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold)
h5 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 5/6 default size)
h6 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 5/8 default size)
big (increases font size by 2 points)
small (decreases font size by 2 points if it's 8 points or larger)
- The supported HTML attributes are:
- font-family
- The following additional HTML tags and attributes have been added to the supported list:
- From Crystal Reports 2008 - Service Pack 2:
- The supported HTML tags are:
ul ( bulleted list ) Important Note: The bullet will not show up as a regular size bullet, but as a small dot.
ol ( ordered list )
li ( tag defining a list item used for both list type: ul and ol. )
Important Note: It only support simple list, with no combinaison with other HTML tags within the list.
The supported HTML attribute is:
strong ( bold )
- The supported HTML tags are:
- From Crystal Reports 2008 - Service Pack 3:
- The supported HTML tag is:
- a (hyperlink)
- a (hyperlink)
- The only supported attribute for the hyperlink tag is:
- href Important Note: All other attributes for the hyperlink tag <a> are not supported.
- Example: The attribute: target='_new', to open the hyperlink in a new window is not supported.
- Note:
- The above HTML tags are supported when viewing reports in Crystal Reports, as well as when the report is viewed in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
- Sample Report:
HTML TEXT INTERPRETATION TAGS SUPPORTED FORMAT FORMATTING PARAGRAPH ATTRIBUTE Crystal Reports c2014842 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To
Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2011 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2013 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2016 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2020
HTML Text Interpretation.rpt |