How do you manually install the ActiveX Viewer and/or the ActiveX PrintControl on a client computer?
Crystal Reports Designer
To manually install the ActiveX Viewer or PrintControl on a client computer, complete these steps:
- Log on to the client computer as the local administrator.
- Locate the and/or file on the server. Depending on the version of Crystal Reports or Business Objects Enterprise that is installed, this would be in either the C:\Program Files (x86)\Business Objects\common\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Business Objects or Crystal Decisions path under the ActiveXControls
On Newer versions of Crystal Reports it will be in this folder structure:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\crystalreportviewers\ActiveXControls - Copy the and/or file to the client computer.
- Extract the .cab file into a local folder.
- Right-click the Crviewer.inf or printcontrol.inf file and then and click 'Install'.
The ActiveX Viewer and/or Printcontrol control is now installed on the client computer.
If after completing these steps the ActiveX Viewer is still not installed, try one or more of these steps:
Do not run DependencyInstaller.exe on the Enterprise XI server as it creates a Common Files directory under Program Files with the gdiplus.dll and usp10.dll in it. Only run it on a client. |
" Deploy and then register the fie PrintControl.dll on the client computer.
" Extract the DLL files from the .cab file, place them in a folder, and then run the install script.
" Manually register all of the DLL files in the .cab file using regsvr32. For example, "regsvr32 myfile.dll".
ACTIVE X MACHINE INSTALLATION INSTALLING DEPLOYING DISTRIBUTING Crystal Reports ActiveX Viewer Manual Installation , c2017441 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem