SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1218622 - How to enter a key code into the merge module CrystalReports11_RDC_License.msm


CrystalReports11_RDC_License.msm is a configurable merge module that requires a valid key code to be added. Some deployment software (for example Visual Studio Installer 1.1) does not support configurable merge modules.


To configure a merge module, use the Orca.exe utility from Microsoft.

Perform the following steps to configure the CrystalReports11_RDC_License merge module:

1. Open the merge module using the Orca.exe utility.

2. Find the 'Property' entry in the 'Tables' column.

3. Click the 'Property' entry. The box on the right will now be populated with the 'Property' and 'Value' columns.

4. The first entry under the 'Property' column is 'PIDKEY'. Enter the correct key code in the associated 'Value' field.

See Also


The key code is not your registration number. The key code must be a Crystal Reports Developer XI or Developer Advanced XI key code. It is a 23 character alphanumeric string supplied upon registration of the Crystal Reports product.

The default value in the 'Value' field is a blank space and must be removed prior to inserting the key code. Failure to remove this leading space character will invalidate the key code, resulting in unpredictable or incorrect behavior.

To download the CrystalReports11_RDC_License merge module, available on the Downloads area of our web site.


KEYCODE REGISTER DEPLOY MERGEMODULE LICENSE RDC REPORT DESIGNER 11 XI R2 Report Designer Component Distribution Configurable merge modules , c2017511 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To


SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2