SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1219470 - How to upgrade your RDC ASP application to Crystal Reports XI Release 2?


How do you upgrade your Report Designer Component (RDC) ASP (Active Server Pages) application to Crystal Reports XI Release 2?


To upgrade your RDC ASP application to Crystal Reports XI Release 2, complete the following steps:

NOTE: It is recommended that you back up your ASP RDC application before upgrading it.

1.  Download the RDC XI Release 2 ASP samples collection ( from the Downloads page of our web site.

2.  Extract the file into a temporary directory.

3.  Extract the file and then copy the following files into your application folder, overwriting any previous versions:

RDCrptserver115.asp (this file replaces rptserver.asp (pre version 10) or RDCrptserver10.asp (version 10) or RDCrptserver11.asp (version XI Release 1).




4.  If you have an older version(s) of Crystal Reports on the same computer, then change the line

Set Session("oApp") = Server.Createobject("CrystalRuntime.Application")

in your RDC ASP application to

Set Session("oApp") = Server.Createobject("CrystalRuntime.Application.11").

5.  If you have a COM+ or Microsoft Transaction package that includes an earlier version of the file Craxdrt.dll, delete and recreate the package with version of this file. To verify the file version, complete these steps:

1.  Go to the ...\Program Files\Business Objects\common\3.5\bin folder.

2.  Right-click Craxdrt.dll file and then click 'Properties'.

6.  Use the following sample code to destroy the Crystal 'oApp', 'oRpt', and 'oPageEngine' objects after the user exits the ASP RDC application:




Although destroying these objects is not required when using the RDC XI Release 2, it is good practice to ensure that these objects are released when they are no longer needed by the application.

Using the 'Session.abandon' method will destroy all objects stored in session, including non-Crystal objects.

After these changes are made, your RDC ASP application now runs in a Crystal Reports XI Release 2 environment.

With earlier versions of the RDC, licensing is based on concurrent usage. The script Cleanup.asp destroys the Crystal objects, which in turn decrements the number of licenses used. In Crystal Reports XI Release 2, the RDC licensing model is based on processing threads. A license is used only while the user is making a request to the server and not while viewing a page of data.

See Also

Note 1218609

Note 1217241


MIGRATE MIGRATING UPDATE UPDATING APPLICATIONS CODE REPORTS SERVER Crystal Reports Report Designer Component Migrating Application Code , c2018417 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports XI