SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1219747 - How to pass a multi-value parameter to a stored procedure in Crystal Reports


In Crystal Reports, you want to pass a multi-value parameter to a stored procedure. The problem with doing so is that Crystal Reports considers the multi-value parameter to be an array.

How can you pass a multi-value parameter to a stored procedure?


Here are the steps to pass a multi-value parameter to a stored procedure:

1. Create a Crystal report, and add a multi-value parameter.

2. Since the multi-value parameter is treated as an array, create a formula that uses the JOIN function. Create a formula as below:

//Formula: @JoinFormula

Join ({?Multi-value parameter array},";")



In the formula above, a semi-colon (";") is the delimiter.


3. Within the main report, create a subreport based on the stored procedure, and include the parameter to be populated with the multi-value list.

4. Link the Join formula in the main report to the stored procedure parameter in the subreport.

Doing so passes a multi-value parameter to the stored procedure.


STORED PROC PARAMETER LINKING MULTI VALUED Crystal Reports Stored procedure parameters Subreport linking , c2018747 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2