SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1220508 - How to deploy the BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Web Services Provider application


The new Platform Web Services SDK in BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 and Crystal Reports Server XI Release 2 includes a BIPlatform web service. This web service can be used to complete administrative tasks such as scheduling, exporting, and deleting.

How do you install and configure the Web Services Provider application to make the Web Services SDK features available to your application?


Complete these steps to deploy the Web Services Provider application:


  1. Go to the Online Developer Library:
  2. Complete the steps in the following section: Web Services SDK > Web Services Server Components > Administrator Guide > Installing BusinessObjects Web Services.





In the 'Deploying Business Objects web service' section, the 'server components ZIP file' may be downloaded by going to Web Services SDK > Web Services Server Components.


You can also use the BusinessObjects XI Web Services installer to install the provider application (you must still configure the WAR file and you should follow the steps in the Developer Library) and consumer APIs on the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 computer and register the .NET Consumer API DLL files in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).


The installation may be downloaded from the Downloads area of our web site.



XI R2 XIR2 BI PLATFORM INSTALL CONFIGURE DEPLOYING INSTALLER Crystal Reports Server XI Release 2 Deploying Web Services Provider application , c2019681 , KBA , BI-BIP , Business intelligence platform , Problem


Crystal Reports Server XI R2 ; Crystal Reports Server XI R2, OEM edition ; SAP Crystal Server XI