How do I design a schedule presenting portfolios that shows the subsidiary and parent details if I do not want to display parent breakdown rows whose financial interest and ownership interest rates are 0%?
My schedule is currently initialized as follows:
Schedule block:
- Preconsolidated data - package amounts
- Data Entry Period
- Currency
- (Scope)
- (Variant)
Row block:
- Reporting Unit - To be set - Itemized
- Partner - All values - Itemized/total after
- Subsidiary - Same value as Reporting Unit - Itemized
- Parent company - Same value as Partner - Itemized
Column block:
A: Preconsolidated data - Package amounts / Category / Capital stock Account / Closing flow
B: Capital stock and investment rows for consolidation - Number of shares
C: Capital stock and investment rows for consolidation - Direct financial interest rate
D: Capital stock and investment rows for consolidation - Financial interest rate
E: Capital stock and investment rows for consolidation - Ownership interest rate
hitlist, itemized, total , CART16823 , KBA , EPM-BFC-REP , Data Entry , How To
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