- Report looks different in the Crystal Reports Designer than it does when using your app using the Java Reporting Component (JRC)(retired) or Crystal Reports for Java (CRJ).
This can include things like lines or fields being misaligned, colors being off, or fonts being different, etc.
Reproducing the Issue
Older JRC jars can render display errors such as lines or fields being misaligned, colors being off, or fonts being different, etc.
There are two steps to take at this point. The first is to use our most recent Crystal Reports for Java (CRJ) jar files. They address a number of these kinds of issues and can be downloaded from here:
This pages allows you to either download just the jars or a complete All-in-One Eclipse environment with the Crystal Reports plugin already installed.
The plugin is written for the Eclipse web app IDE and it is an entire designer written in Java, so it will not exhibit any of the mismatch errors seen when using the standard designer. What you see in the Crystal Reports for Eclipse designer is what you will see in the CRJ. It includes our most recent CRJ jar files, so if you choose to go directly to CR for Eclipse, you will not need to download the jars separately.
Using the Crystal Reports for Eclipse designer will allow you to see how your report will look on your web page before deploying your web page.
See Also
crj jrc java crystal reports designer mismatch format font line color wrong jars eclipse latest cr4e ide , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , How To