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1238827 - When ‘Use query drill’ (Document Properties) is activated in a Webintelligence report, drilling only affects one report tab


You are able to drill only in one dimension in one report tab. The same dimension contained in 2nd report tab based on the same data provider is not drilled.  

This is contradictory to what is documented in the product guide. See page 75 of the guide xir2_wi_analysis_en.pdf section 'Query drill and other reports based on the same data provider':

"Query drill and other reports based on the same data provider
If your document contains other reports that contain dimensions on which you drill in query drill mode, these reports are affected because the query drill modifies the dimensions they contain.
Example: Drilling on a dimension that appears in another report If you have two reports based on a query that contains Year, Quarter and Sales Revenue, and you use query drill to drill down to Year = 2001 on the first report, Web Intelligence also filters the data for Year in the second report to include 2001 only.

You can avoid this (at the cost of retrieving duplicate data into Web Intelligence) by creating a new data provider and rebuilding the other report against it. Now when you drill in query drill mode, the other report remains unaffected."
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SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2


Use query drillWebi reportWebintelligence reportSame dataproviderBusiness Objects XI Release 2Business Objects XI Release 3  , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem

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