SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1240661 - Error: 'Failed to retrieve data from the database' when creating Crystal reports based on an XML driver that contains long text with CDATA tag


  • Cannot retrieve data from XML database;
  • Error when refreshing/previewing Crystal report;
  • Error: 'Failed to retrieve data from the database'

Reproducing the Issue

  • XML file containing CDATA tag, as <![CDATA[ content ]]>;
  • The CDATA content should contain more than 12287 characters;
  • Create a report off this XML file;
  • Preview/Refresh the report;

Crystal Reports XI Release 1 (CR XI R1);

Crystal Reports XI Release 2 (CR XI R2);


This problem has been identified as a bug related to Pullparser v2 (Third party jar) with reference number ADAPT01075442.  Pullparser.jar does not support large data of CDATA content (maxlength: 12287 characters).


  • Install Service Pack 5 (SP 5) of Crystal Reports XI R2;

Please note that the issue could not be fixed on Crystal Reports XI Release 1.


KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed


SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2