- When two tables from Btrieve database linked with numeric field in Crystal Reports 2008 and the field value is a multiple of 256 (256, 512, 1024, etc.), then the report lists no output for those records, even though data exists in the database.
Reproducing the Issue
1. Install Pervasive 10 server from \\\software\Database Software\SQLSoftware\Pervasive\Pervasive 10
2. Copy customer's files from the first notes to local harddrive.
3. Open Test Report.rpt file in CR 2008
4. Set database location and point to local ddf file
5. Refresh the report.
PO number 256 and 512 are missing
Set Left Outer join for table links and po number in second table will be Null.
If report connected to right table only, it shows that PO number 256 does exists
- Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista
- Only in Crystal Reports 2008 SP0
- Pervasive (Btrieve) database
- It is confirmed bug in p2bbtrv.dll driver - ADAPT 01094479
CR2008 FixPack 2 addresses this issue
ADAPT 01094479
FixPack replaces the p2bbtrv.dll driver with updated version.
BtrievePervasive Modulo 256Missing records , KBA , BI , Business intelligence solutions , Bug Filed