- Autosave option has been selected
- Cannot find the saved copy of the report
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to File >Options
- Select the Reporting tab
- Check the option ‘Autosave report after’
- Specify the time (in minutes)
The report is saved in either:
c:\docs and settings\user\local settings\temp
or under
c:\documents and settings\user depending on the different platform
If the Autosave feature runs before a name has been assigned to the report, than the temporary copy will be named, for example, Report1.autosave.rpt where Report1 is the current temporary report name assigned by Crystal Reports.
If the report had previously been saved and named then it would appear as Name.autosave.rpt where Name is the name assigned by the user.
autosave, crystal, reports, options, temp, rpt, folder, user , 2888327 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem