SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1263322 - How to use Excel and Access Files on the network drive as Data Source for creating a Crystal Report ?


  • Access files present on the network drives.
  • Create a report based on files on the network drives.

Reproducing the Issue

  • Create a Crystal Report using Access and Excel files on the network drive as Data Source. 
  • Crystal Reports XI Release 1, Release 2.
  • Operating System: Windows XP SP2
  • Database: Microsoft Access / Excel.


  • On the Windows XP system go to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
  • Double Click on Administrative Tools.  
  • Double Click on Data Sources (ODBC).
  • Click on the System DSN tab and then Click on Add.
  • Select a driver for which you want to set up a data source.
  • For Access Files select 'Driver do Microsoft Access (*.mdb)' as driver type and then click on Finish.
  • For Excel Files select 'Driver do Microsoft Excel (*.xls)' as driver type and then click on Finish.
  • Enter the Data Source Name and under the Database option click on Select.
  • Then click on the Network button, Map Network Drive window will appear.
  • Select the Drive and Folder where you have the Access and Excel Files on the network and then click on Finish button. 
  • Select the appropriate Directory where the file is located and double click on the folder and select the Excel or Access files depending on the driver you have selected and click on OK button.
  • After the DSN is created click on OK button.
  • Open the Crystal Report application.
  • Click on create New Report.
  • Under the Available Data Sources expand the Create New Connection  then expand ODBC (RDO) and select the newly created Data Source Name and then click on Finish
  • Select the appropriate tables and create a report as per the requirement.


Excel  Access Crystal Reports Network Drive , KBA , BI , Business intelligence solutions , How To


Crystal Reports 2008 V0 ; SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2