The second data axis label of a Line chart is not displayed in the Java Viewer
Reproducing the Issue
1) Create a Crystal Reports report in Crystal Reports Designer XIR2
2) Add a line chart to the report having two data axis and save the report
3) Create a Java Reporting Component application that displays the report in the Java Viewer
4) Observe that the label for the second data axis is not displayed
Environment information
- Crystal Reports for Eclipse, Java Reporting Component version 11.8.0
- Crystal Reports XIR2 SP4, Java Reporting Component version 11.5
1) Edit the repor from Crystal Reports Designer XIR2
2) Format the second axis label setting the font color to transparent
3) Insert a text object containg the required text behind the chart, so that it will be place directly behind the second axis label.
4) Save the report.
5) Display the report in a Java Reporting Comopnent application and observe the expected result
JRCaxis labelchart issue , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , Problem