SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1270652 - Second Axis label disappears in Java Reporting Component


The second data axis label of a Line chart is not displayed in the Java Viewer

Reproducing the Issue

1) Create a Crystal Reports report in Crystal Reports Designer XIR2

2) Add a line chart to the report having two data axis and save the report

3) Create a Java Reporting Component application that displays the report in the Java Viewer

4) Observe that the label for the second data axis is not displayed

Environment information

- Crystal Reports for Eclipse, Java Reporting Component version 11.8.0

- Crystal Reports XIR2 SP4, Java Reporting Component version 11.5



This is a known issue 


1) Edit the repor from Crystal Reports Designer XIR2

2) Format the second axis label setting the font color to transparent

3) Insert a text object containg the required text behind the chart, so that it will be place directly behind the second axis label.

4) Save the report.

5) Display the report in a Java Reporting Comopnent application and observe the expected result


JRCaxis labelchart issue  , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports XI