Users are not prompted for the database logon credentials before generating a report in Infoview or CMC.
Reproducing the Issue
- Logon to CMC
- Go to the report
- Go to the process tab
- Click on database tab
- Set the database logon credentials.
- At the bottom select the "Use the same database logon as when report is run" option.
- Click on update
- Preview the report
- Product: Crystal Reports Server XI R2
- Operating System: Windows 2003
- Database: SQL Server 2005
- The Logon credentials were set for the report [In CMC]
- "Use the same database logon as when report is run" option was set for the report.
- Go to the report
- Go to the process tab
- Click on database tab
- At the bottom select the "Prompt the User for database logon" option.
- Click on update
Users should be prompted for database logon credentials before generating the report , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , How To
Crystal Reports Server XI R2