When you add service XYZ to a task for particular project, System throws below error message :
Service product XYZ not valid;only time-base service products permitted
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Project management workcenter.
- Select Projects view.
- Select the Project.
- Select Edit button and choose Project Plan option.
- Goto Work sub tab.
- Select Add button and Select service XYZ using the value help in sevice ID field.
Error message shows: Service product SXX not valid;only time-base service products permitted.
The system works as designed.
The reason for the error is if the Service XYZ have the Base UOM as Wday - Working day and Sales UOM as Wday - Working day. Because Working Day is not a time based UoM. (Because a working day could be 6, 8, 10, 12, etc hours.) .
To resolve the issue, Quantity Conversions needs to maintain for Wday (From working day to HUR). Follow below steps to maintain
- Go to Product and Service Portfolio workcenter.
- Select Service view.
- Select the service and Select Edit button.
- Select View all button.
- In Quantity conversions Tab, Select Add Row button.
- Maintian the quantity conversions here.
KBA , AP-PRO , Project Processing , Product Enhancement