SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1273775 - Error Message "Service product XYZ not valid;only time-base service products permitted"


When you add service XYZ to a task for particular project, System throws below error message :

Service product XYZ not valid;only time-base service products permitted

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Project management workcenter.
  2. Select Projects view.
  3. Select the Project.
  4. Select Edit button and choose Project Plan option.
  5. Goto Work sub tab.
  6. Select Add button and Select service XYZ using the value help in sevice ID field.

Error message shows: Service product SXX not valid;only time-base service products permitted.


The system works as designed.

The reason for the error is if the Service XYZ have the Base UOM as Wday - Working day and Sales UOM as Wday - Working day.  Because Working Day is not a time based UoM. (Because a working day could be 6, 8, 10, 12, etc hours.) .


To resolve the issue, Quantity Conversions needs to maintain for Wday (From working day to HUR). Follow below steps to maintain

  1. Go to Product and Service Portfolio workcenter.
  2. Select Service view.
  3. Select the service and Select Edit button.
  4. Select View all button.
  5. In Quantity conversions Tab, Select Add Row button.
  6. Maintian the quantity conversions here.


KBA , AP-PRO , Project Processing , Product Enhancement


SAP Business ByDesign all versions