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1274048 - SQL dataloader: PPLOAD shows value of "9" and not all the data is loaded into the database table - PCM


  • After loading PCM data values using the PPLOAD process, a value of 9 is returned against all the upload lines. 
  • Not all the values are loaded into the PPLOAD_ACTIVITYDRIVERVALUE table
  • How can we track what the problem is when the process says that the values have been successfully processed yet they are not in the database?



SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) 10.0


SAP Profitability and Cost Management 10.0


EPM, EPO, EPM-PCM, SBOP PCM, DBA, DB, table, loading, * , KBA , EPM-PCM , Profitability and Cost Management, EPO, PP, AA, Metify , Problem

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