- The Blank Page shows up in the browser when .NET Web application runs
- "Untitled Page" in the title of the browser
- "Done, but with errors on page" or "Done" with yellow (!) exclamation mark icon shows up in the status bar of the browser
- Intenet Explorer dialog shows up when clicks yellow (!) exclamation mark icon
- Error : "Problem with this Web page might prevent it from being dsplayed properly or functioning properly. In the future, you can display this message by double-clicking the waring icon displayed in the status bar."
- Error : 'bobj' is undefined
Reproducing the Issue
- Create a new ASP.NET Web application.
- Insert Add Reference from Project menu.
- Select "CrtstalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine" in the .NET tab.
- Select "CrystalDecisions.Shared" in the .NET tab.
- Select "CrystalDecisions.Web" in the .NET tab.
- Click OK.
- Insert Crystal ReportViewer control into web form.
- Insert the following codes (from Crystal Reports 2008 .Net SDK Developer Guide) in the Web.config file of ASP.NET Web application.
<sectionGroup name="businessObjects">
<sectionGroup name="crystalReports">
<section name="crystalReportViewer" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
<add key="resourceURI" value="/crystalreportviewers12" />
- Insert <sessionState cookieless="true"></sessionState> in the <system.web> tag.
- Crystal Reports 2008 SP0
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Copy C:\Program File\Business Objects\Common\4.0\CrystalReportViewers12 folder to ASP.NET Web application folder.
- Modify the following code in Web.config file of ASP.NET web application.
<add key="resourceURI" value="~/crystalreportviewers12" />
blank page,C#,VS2008,CR2008,cookie, , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Problem