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1284145 - Error during SQL execution: (DA0003): [Exception: DBD, [Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server]


Desktop_IntelligenceJobServer: Time out when running a report that takes longer then 45min or so.

The error generated when the running of the report times out is: "Error during SQL execution: (DA0003): [Exception: DBD, [Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server] : Timeout expiredState: HYT00] Total YTD: No data to fetch.: []

Error during SQL execution: (DA0003): [Exception: DBD,[Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server] : Timeout expiredState: HYT00]

The following data providers have not been successfully refreshed: NewItems YTD. (DMA0007): []"

Or, the 3-tier deski full client throws the DA0003 exception with a long running query and has been in Analytic mode for a long while.



SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2


  • Error during SQL execution: (DA0003)
  • Exception: DBD
  • DA0003
, KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem

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