SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1284582 - Item Product Description is Missing in your Sales Document such as Sales Order or Service Order Although Maintained in the Product Master Data


The item product description is missing in the Sales Document such as a Sales Order or Service Order although it is maintained in product master data.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

This applies to any Sales Document such as Sales Quote, Sales Order, Service Quote, Service Order etc. We will use Sales Orders as an example.

Product Description is missing:

  1. Go to the Sales Orders work center and the Sales Orders view.
  2. Select the sales order and press the Edit button.
  3. Navigate to the Items tab and enter a product ABC (ABC represents the product number). Here you can see that the description for the product ABC is missing, although it's maintained in the product master data.
  4. Go to the Product and Service Portfolio work center and the Products view.
  5. Find the product ABC and here you can see that the description is maintained.


You can maintain the product description in different languages. The language of item product description displayed in the sales order is the same as the communication language defined for the account in the sales order. The default communication language defined for the account XYZ in this sales order is L1 (XYZ represents the number of the account and L1 represents the respective Language). However, you only maintained the description for the product ABC in language L2. Therefore, no product description in language L1 can be found.


Either change the communication language of the account or maintain the product description in the language of the account.

How to maintain product description in different languages:

  1. Go to the Product and Service Portfolio work center and the Products view.
  2. Select the product ABC and press the Edit button.
  3. Press the View All button and navigate to the Other Languages tab in the General tab.
  4. Add the product description in the required language.

Please note: If you change the language in the Account Master Data this will only apply to new created Sales or Service Orders.


Sales Order; Service Order; Quote; Opportunity; Invoice; Description; missing; empty; not filled; no description , KBA , sales order , missing , product , description , pas affichée , produit , commande client , champ vide , manquante , AP-SLO , Sales Order Processing , AP-SVO , Service Order Processing , How To


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